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Writing a new plan for the future of music in the classroom with teachers across the U.S.


  • 1-week online community with 30 teachers from across the U.S. discussing the role of music in education and how streaming music services can improve their teaching.

  • ​Teachers completed daily journals and gave individual feedback on specific concepts and also participated in group discussions where ideas were debated and evolved over the course over several days. This level of interaction allowed us to gain incredibly deep insights into the underlying value teachers identified in our proposed concepts and gave us a clear direction as to how to best introduce and promote the new service.

  • Compelling video reels were also developed from the qualitative output to bring the learning to life for the product and marketing teams. Some teachers were even selected to participate in pilot programs where we got the chance to further iterate on feedback we heard from them in the earlier stages of research.

  • Participation over the course of the 1-week project was near 100% and the resulting output far exceeded our client’s expectations for the level of nuance and richness that could be gleaned in such a short time.

  • They commented that our approach and techniques produced better results than a 6 month one-on-one ethnography study that cost 4 times as much.

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